
A look at some of Python's useful itertools

Couple of months back I enrolled for the Functional Programming Principles in Scala course taught by Martin Odersky on Coursera. While solving one of the early assignments, I remember searching for "Scala equivalent to Python's range". By the end of the course, I was searching for python equivalents for some of the methods and operations on scala collections. There is no doubt that learning new and different languages help you as a programmer in more than one way. Ok, I am digressing, but what that search led me to was the insanely useful itertools module and it left me wondering - why didn't I take a real look at it earlier!

In this article I am going to show some of the must-know itertools that will make your everyday code more memory efficient, elegant and concise. Instead of focusing on one function/class from the module at a time, it would be helpful to see some real world (and not so real world) use cases and examples of itertools.

But before that, I should mention that I have tried the examples on Python 2.7.3 and would recommend you use 2.7.x to follow along, although they should mostly work on Python 3.x too.

Taking "lazy" to the next level

In an earlier blog post, I had covered generators and how lazy evaluation can be used to write memory efficient code. Itertools let you do more with the lazily evaluated objects.

You may already know that the map and filter BIFs can accept not just a list but any iterator in general, which means we can also pass them a generator. But doing so doesn't give us truly lazy behaviour. Let's see an example to understand this.

def is_even(x):
    print 'is_even called for %d' % (x,)
    return x % 2 == 0

def even():
    return filter(is_even, xrange(20))

Edit: Thanks to many comments, I replaced the redundant generator expression (i for i in xrange(20) with just xrange in all examples.

The above code defines a function is_even to check if an integer is even. In even, we pass is_even as a predicate to filter thus returning all even integers between 0 to 20. To get first four of such integers, we can use the slice operator.

>>> even()[:4]
is_even called for 0
is_even called for 1
is_even called for 2
is_even called for 3
is_even called for 4
is_even called for 5
is_even called for 6
is_even called for 7
is_even called for 8
is_even called for 9
is_even called for 10
is_even called for 11
is_even called for 12
is_even called for 13
is_even called for 14
is_even called for 15
is_even called for 16
is_even called for 17
is_even called for 18
is_even called for 19
>>> [0, 2, 4, 6]

While the result that we obtained is correct, our code is doing a lot of unnecessary work. We can see this from the statements that are getting printed every time is_even is called (20 times). Wait.. but we just need first 4 items right, why is it even getting called that many times? The problem is that although we started with a generator, filter needs to run each item through the predicate and so the generator ends up getting consumed. Finally, we get a list from which we slice out the first 4 items.

>>> type(even())
<type 'list'>

How can we do better? The idea is, we need a way to delay the application of filter on the generator. itertools.ifilter does exactly that by returning a lazy object instead of a list. Items will be filtered whenever some other function or a for loop consumes them. Lets define another function lazy_even,

import itertools

def lazy_even():
    return itertools.ifilter(is_even, xrange(20))
>>> nums = lazy_even()
>>> type(nums)
<type 'itertools.ifilter'>

Ok, this gives us a lazy object. But the problem now is, we still need a way to slice out the first 4 items without converting the entire thing to a list. Itertools provides islice for this which takes the iterator, a start index and a stop index.

>>> first_four = itertools.islice(nums, 0, 4)
>>> type(first_four)
<type 'itertools.islice'>
for i in first_four:
...     print i
is_even called for 0
is_even called for 1
is_even called for 2
is_even called for 3
is_even called for 4
is_even called for 5
is_even called for 6

As you can see, now is_even is called only while it's required.

Counting infinitely

Let's take another example. This time we need to find out 3 smallest numbers that are greater than 1000 and powers of 2. In the eariler blog post on generators, there was an example of counting infinitely using the yield keyword. Here we need to do something similar to count integers and test whether or not each one is a power of 2. The catch is that since we need to return 3 such numbers, we don't know when to stop counting. Ok, probably in this case it's easy to pre-calculate or guess, but what if the predicate function is a bit more complex for eg. a check for primality? With itertools, we can use the same technique as in the previous example. As a bonus, the module comes with a count function so we don't need to write our own.

>>> import math
>>> from itertools import count, islice, ifilter

>>> def is_pow_two(x):
...     ln = math.log(x, 2)
...     return math.floor(ln) == ln

>>> list(islice(ifilter(is_pow_two, count(1000)), 0, 3))
[1024, 2048, 4096]

is_pow_two will be called no more than 4096 times = win!

Grouping things in style

If you often use Python to write scripts for extracting data, eg. scraping web pages or parsing log files, then you may have come across this common pattern -- reading content from some source, extracting useful data out of it and saving the extracted data in some other form (or directly using it). And quite often, we need to group data into parts say for eg. parsing web server access logs and group incoming requests by their response status codes. itertools.groupby makes this very easy. It takes an iterable and a key function. The key function is used to group items with consecutively similar key values together. Here is an example where given a list of integers we separate them into "even" and "odd" groups.

from itertools import groupby

def groupby_even_odd(items):
    f = lambda x: 'even' if x % 2 == 0 else 'odd'
    gb = groupby(items, f)
    for k, items in gb:
        print '%s: %s' % (k, ','.join(map(str, items)))
   >>> groupby_even_odd([1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 11])
   odd: 1,3
   even: 4
   odd: 5
   even: 6,8
   odd: 9,11

But something is strange, isn't it? The integers are indeed grouped but there are many "even" and "odd" groups. The reason behind this is, it only groups consecutive items together. To get around this, we can simply provide it a sorted iterable.

def groupby_even_odd(items):
    f = lambda x: 'even' if x % 2 == 0 else 'odd'
    gb = groupby(sorted(items, key=f), f)
    for k, items in gb:
        print '%s: %s' % (k, ','.join(map(str, items)))
>>> groupby_even_odd([1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 11])
even: 4,6,8
odd: 1,3,5,9,11

And now the grouping happens the way we want it. An important thing to note is that the key function used to sort the list must be same as the one which is going to be passed to groupby.

Just flatmap that shit!

Flatmap is a commonly used pattern in functional programming where mapping a function to a list results in a list of lists that then needs to be flattened. For eg. given a list of directories, we want to get the names of all their first level children as a list.

>>> import os
>>> dirs = ['project1/', 'project2/', 'project3/']
>>> map(os.listdir, dirs)
>>> [['settings.py', 'wsgi.py', 'templates'],
     ['app.py', 'templates'],
     ['index.html, 'config.json']]

This gives us a list of lists and we still need to flatten it. There are of course many ways to do this, one way is to use reduce. But here is an elegant way using itertools.chain. chain takes many iterables as arguments and chains or appends them at ends.

Edit: As correctly pointed out by masklinn on hacker news, it's better to use imap instead of map and also the alternate chain constructor chain.from_iterable to avoid passing the lazy object as *args since unpacking with *args will result in eager evaluation.

Let's define a function flatmap that will map a function to a list of items and flatten the resulting list of lists.

from itertools import chain, imap

def flatmap(f, items):
    return chain.from_iterable(imap(f, items))

And now we replace the call to map with flatmap,

>>> list(flatmap(os.listdir, dirs))
>>> ['settings.py', 'wsgi.py', 'templates', 'app.py',
     'templates', 'index.html, 'config.json']

Itertools for everything (for fun and learning!)

As a final example, let's see how we can compose an elegant solution entirely using our newly acquired utility belt. The problem is to find a set of common (Thanks wcyee) factors of a list of integers.

from itertools import ifilter, takewhile, count

def factors(n):
    return ifilter(lambda x: n % x == 0, takewhile(lambda y: y <= n, count(1)))
>>> set(flatmap(factors, [9, 15, 16, 23, 76, 101]))
set([1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 38, 8, 9, 76, 15, 16, 19, 23, 101])

That's all for now. If you reached this far, thanks for reading and hope you found it helpful. Itertools obviously has many more useful functions and classes. I just skipped them since I failed to come up with good examples and use cases for them. May be I will do a part II some time later.


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