

I have been writing computer programs professionally since 2009. Besides work, I have some side projects that I work on in my free time. Most of them are available on Github under open source licenses.

Currently active side projects

  • tapestry [Rust] A CLI tool/framework for writing (postgre)SQL queries and (pgTAP) tests using Jinja templates.

  • axy [Emacs Lisp] Emacs utility for adhoc expansion of yasnippets.

  • dupenukem [Rust] A command line file deduplication tool.

Older, unmaintained projects

  • pipdeptree [Python] I am the original author of pipdeptree but not maintaining it anymore 1. It's a command line utility to display the dependency tree of packages installed in a virtualenv using pip. To some extent, it's inspired by the lein deps :tree command of Clojure's Leiningen.

  • sphinx-doc.el [Emacs Lisp] (demo)
    An emacs minor mode for Python to generate sphinx style docstrings for functions and methods from the formal parameters in their definitions.

  • Attercop[Clojure]
    Is a webcrawler written in Clojure as a learning exercise to understand the core.async library.

  • The Game of life [Python,Clojure] (demo)
    Toy implementations of Conway's game of life that runs in the terminal. Includes utils to download and parse more than 400 patterns from the game of life lexicon.

  • lookupy [Python]
    Django QuerySet like interface to query simple Python collections.

  • nozzle [Python]
    An even more quick and simple way to write unit tests using nose (highly experimental).

  • jquery-sticky-buttons [Javascript] (demo)
    A jQuery plugin to make buttons stick to the top of the page as user scrolls down.

  • jinger [Python] 2
    My attempt at something that any self respecting programmer is expected to write at least once in his/her lifetime - A static site generator!

  • PHPDbMigrations [PHP]
    South (Django) like, but minimalist db migrations for PHP and MySQL applications. Even though the repo shows me as the sole contributer, it involves a lot of work by my then co-worker Jimit Modi when we were working together at Kodeplay.

  • Ten-Chord-Workout [Javascript] (demo)
    A browser based game in Javascript to practice remembering notes in chords (music). The twist is that the scoring rules resemble that of ten-pin bowling. Give it a try!

  • GuitarJs [Javascript] (demo)
    A small javascript library for guitar notes, scales, chords. The above game of Ten-Chord-Workout is written using it.

  • Mines [Javascript]
    Minesweeper in the browser using jQuery.


1. As of Sep 2022, I am no longer maintaining pipdeptree. Bernát Gábor and the tox-dev org have been kind enough to adopt and maintain it.

2. This site is not created using jinger. It's using pelican instead.