
Essential Javascript for Jquery users (Part 1 : DOM Selection)

I remember when the first time I tried to learn some Javascript for accomplishing basic form validation, it wasn't as simple as HTML and CSS or even PHP for that matter. Plus being unfamiliar with stuff like Firebug in the early days of programming, doesn't help. So there was a time when, having not realized the power of the language yet, I looked to avoided JS wherever possible. Then Jquery happened. And it was life changing. Life changing because it not only made doing things easier, but also eventually made me like the vanilla flavour of javascript.

Now usually there is a thing with frameworks and libraries that they will work for you only if you know the basics clearly. After all frameworks are build using the basics right. But in my opinion jquery is an exception. People will disagree but let me put it this way - if you have just started with jquery, after some initial copy pasting a time will come when you will fairly undertand how 3 things work, the jquery syntax, the methods, and how these two fit together. After that you can easily make fancy things work without advanced javascript knowledge until one of the readymade plugin breaks or your client comes up with an insanely out of the box requirement. Then you will have to go to vanilla and probably learn to use things like OOP, patterns as well. And it will all be for the good. This is my personal experience.

Okay, coming to the point, this blog post is the first one of the series on some essential javascript knowledge you must have if your case is similar to mine ie already doing pretty well with jquery but not confident enough if that small file of minified code is taken away for whatever reason. Apart from that, for me, being able to write long and informative blog posts is going to be one of the motives behind learning something I know I am hardly going to use in the presence of jquery but which is very important.

The first few topics will cover basic things which are actually left redundant by the awesomeness of jquery, but i guess it will be a good starting point.

So lets get started with Part 1 : DOM selection. (I am assuming the reader is familiar with the acronym DOM.)

$("selecter") in jquery makes selecting elements from the document real easy right ? But how to do it using plain js ? There are different ways depending upon the element.

Selecting by id

    <div id="myid"></div>
    //select the first div by its id
    $("#myid") //jquery
    document.getElementById("myid"); //plain js

    // note that plain js selector properties and methods cannot be
    // applied in the first case as the plain js way returns an object
    // while jquery returns an array of js objects. in this case the
    // length will be 1 as we are getting it by id. To use it any way

Accessing by Tag Name


Notice the getElements This will return an array of size equal to number of ul elements in the document

Accessing Children of elements

In js all elements are referred to as nodes of the DOM tree.

    <div id="childtest">Hello world. Now check this <a href="">link</a></div>
    var arr = document.getElementById("childtest").childNodes;

The output if logged in firebug console will show an array of all children of the element childtest selected. But it will be different from what $("#childtest").children() will return.

TextNode and accessing the text

If you have already logged the above example to a firebug console, you can see that apart from the actual child element ie anchor tag, it also shows a Textnode (which is skipped by the jquery $("#childtest").children() code). To get its value just select that particular child and get the property 'nodeValue'. This is how the jquery .text method does the job.


Accessing the siblings

Jquery lets us get all siblings of an element as an array. Javascript gives us only the next and the previous sibling Something like this

    // or  ...childNodes[1].previousSibling

So how to get all siblings of an element? Well, to do this, first we can traverse to an elements parent and then get all its childNodes.

Accessing the parent element

As simple as it can get


So, this was pretty much about selecting the elements. In the next part we will see how to manipulate them by dealing with css and also how to make fancy things.

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