Guitar Players you must definitely subscribe to on Youtube
And if you thought I would mention the channels of master guitar players then you got it wrong. We all know they are brilliant and it is very easy to find their videos by typing in the search box. But here is a list of players you might not be knowing of but definitely can't afford to miss if you are a guitar player or a music lover. These are guitar players from around the world whose channels I stumbled across and whose videos have always been source of inspiration for me since then.
So here it goes, in no particular order -
Dragianni Is a steve vai look alike and more so because of the Ibanez Jem. But he has his own style when it comes to melodies and phrases. Certainly lives upto his chosen weapon!
Gustavo Guerra Winner of the Guitar Idol competition 2008. Insane shredder and a great performer. Known on youtube for his smile while playing and the various guitars he owns. You name one and he has it!
[embedding disabled on the channel]
Cesar Huesca My favourite player on youtube. Has got everything - technique, phrasing and feel, topped with an insane control over whammy, wah and pickup switching. His Steve Vai covers are also worth watching apart from the original music. Received a special mention from the judges at Guitar Idol 2008 competition but unfortunately couldn't make it to the finals.
Bryan Aspey Winner of the SHRED THIS competition. Particularly check out this fusion/jazz track.
Damjan Pejcinoski A hybrid picking genius. With due respect to the above guy, a definite winner for me.
Jack Thammarat Is the winner of Guitar Idol 2009. Has a great tone and the tunes are nice and catchy.
Muris Varajic A natural shredder and a great composer in my opinion. Check out this particular track where he is killing it with the Morley Bad Horsie wah pedal.
Daniele Gottardo Has made it to finals of Guitar Idol multiple times and an 8 finger tapping monster! Check out this original named Cardiology.
So that was it from me. In case I have missed someone please do share the link and let me know. I always keep looking for inspiration on youtube.