Hello Octopress
Note: I no longer use Octopress. The blog is currently powered by Pelican, another fine static site generator.
I have been using wordpress for my blog for more than 2 years and now I am making a switch to Octopress. While I haven't had any problems with wordpress, I always felt managing a self hosted wordpress installation for a blog that's seldom updated a bit of an overkill. I did consider moving back to hosted wordress but then decided to give octopress a try and after I did, I found that writing posts in markdown and deploying them as static html pages makes perfect sense for people who know enough of these two technologies.
In the meanwhile I have been trying hard to make emacs my default editor for almost all the things ranging from writing code to taking notes to connecting to IRC. Moving to octopress also means that now, I can write blog posts in emacs and publish them only when I feel they are complete. Also, I hope that those half completed posts written in org-mode that somehow didn't make it to wordpress will find their way to the internets soon.
I know how much ever I try, I am always going to be irregular at blogging so I have decided to go with a setup that requires very less maintainance from my side. This blog will be version controlled and hosted on github. Disqus will be used for managing comments.
The domain vineetnaik.me will continue to point to the old server which will be used for hosting demos along with a single page website.
Finally I think I should give credit to the guy who wrote this script on github that helped me migrate my old wordpress blog posts effortlessly.
Stayed tuned - particularly if you are interested in emacs, python, django or javascript.
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