
HTML forms problem in IE6 solved

Ah relieved!... finally my website works on IE6. A big problem solved


Login and signup script not working in IE6. (works fine in FF & Crome). On clicking the submit button, nothing happens, not even an error msg.

**What was wrong? **

The problem was that I was using images as submit buttons in the HTML forms and not checking form submission as per IE6's liking!

**Solution: **

HTML allows us to use images as submit buttons

In FF and Chrome (and may be other browsers as well which I dont use), if we want to check if submit button is clicked and run a specific code, then this serves the purpose

    if(isset($_POST['submit'])) {
        // code to be executed

But IE passes the co-ordinates of click as submit_x and submit_y instead of just submit=parameter..

so to make sure that the form functions in IE, change the above code to

    if(isset($_POST['submit_y']) || isset($_POST['submit_x'])) {
        // code to be executed

This solved the problem in my case

Doing some more G tells me that even if we check just one co-ordinate its fine. But now I have already changed it, and I am too tired to change it back again to something else... so I'll let that be.. :)

Thanks to:

Webmasterworld forums, Google

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